rebuilding towns after disaster strikes

Circumstances That May Increase Costs For Water Damage Restoration

If your home is flooded, then you will need to have it cleaned up as soon as possible. Whether the flood has been caused by rainwater, melted ice, or plumbing problems, you will need to call a water damage restoration services professional to evaluate the damage and provide you with an estimate of the work that will need to be done. Here are some factors and circumstances that may increase your costs for your water damage restoration services:

Water Contaminants 

The type of water that has flooded your home may affect the cost of the restoration. If the water contains raw sewage, harsh pesticides, fuel, or other hazardous materials, the water damage restoration crew may need to treat the water before it can be cleaned up.

This helps ensure that the water will not pose a health risk to the workers. While water that is black or very dirty typically is more contaminated, this is not always the case. If you do not know what the water contains, keep your family and pets away from the water until a professional can evaluate the situation.

Also do not attempt to pour bleach into standing water in the hope that it will kill the bacteria, because the combination of the contaminants and the bleach may cause the release of noxious fumes into the air.


Even minor water damage can raise the risk for mold growth, and because of this, it is imperative that you call a water damage restoration professional as soon as possible. The water needs to be removed as soon as possible, because if mold begins to proliferate, it may damage your drywall, and may even invade your ventilation system.

Mold can cause health problems, and is especially dangerous to those who have allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart conditions, and suppressed immune function.

Because mitigating mold and mildew takes extra time and specialized procedures, your costs for cleanup may be higher. If you believe that mold is growing inside your ventilation system, avoid turning on your furnace, because when the unit is on, mold spores may be blown into your living space through your air vents.

Never ignore water damage or attempt to clean it yourself unless you are qualified to do so. Call a water damage restoration services professional, who will carefully inspect your home, looking for hidden water damage. When floodwater is cleaned up as soon as possible, your home will be less likely to develop a mold infestation problem, warped surfaces, rotted wood, or damaged floor tiles in your basement.
